Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Week 15:#ExiledToTheRez


My beloved brothers and sisters,

We have had quite a week, we got the call that I will be leaving River's Edge and heading to Sunset Park in Riverton, Wyoming on the Wind River Reservation. What a deal. It is about a 5 hour drive from here and about 5 hours from home so that's kind of weird. But I'm beyond excited. I will be with Elder Powers from Roy, Utah. We will be tearing up the frontier for AT LEAST the next six weeks. 

It's going to be a great time. I head up there tomorrow morning. I will include my new address at the bottom. 

But I am very sad to be leaving this area, this has been such a great place to start my mission, I will always love the people that live here and the memories that I have made. But, I know it is being left in good hands with Elder Jenson. 

We had a couple cool experiences and miracles this week, our car has been in the shop so we've been walking everywhere which has given us the chance to talk to a whole lot more people. We've ran into so many who were open and seemed super prepared. That has been so cool to see.

One thing that has been on my mind lately is Isaiah 61:1-3 which kind of puts in perspective the role of ministering and also missionary work. I absolutely love it so go read it.

Well thank you all for all you do for me and for all the support. 

118.5 S 7th St. E 
Riverton, WY

Elder J. Thacker 
Colorado Fort Collins Mission

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Week 14: Three Lions

Well our apartment flooded this week. That was awesome. Water was like pouring out of the light fixture in the kitchen. Luckily we got it all taken care of so it's all good. 

We have still been doing a lot of finding so it's been fun. Transfers are in a week so don't send me anything just in case I move. The work of the members in the ward have definitely picked up so it's been very encouraging. We met with President Crane the stake president at his house for breakfast the other day. That was awesome, he is such a spiritually powerful man and it's always good to hear from him.

I had an exchange with Elder Christensen and that was a really good time, we were blessed to run into a random guy and sit down with him and put him on date for baptism so that was a huge miracle. 

We've been focusing a lot on saying specific prayers and trusting in the lord that he will provide for us. 

Anyway, thanks for all the support. 

Have a good week. 
Elder J. Thacker
Colorado Fort Collins Mission

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Week 13: Boxer

Hey everyone, sorry for not writing last week. And I apologize in advance for not writing a ton this week cause things are super crazy.

Highlights of the past 2 weeks. We had 2 exchanges with the assistants and of course those were so much fun. Those guys are absolute ballers. I learn a ton from being around those guys. We were fortunate enough to get like every aspect of missionary work in. 

We have been teaching a lot and also finding a ton. That's always super fun. We've seen a ton of miracles as we've strived to be as obedient as possible. Things have been fantastic. I loved President Nelson's devotional for the youth. There are so many good things that came from that. 

I hope everything is going well for everyone with summer just starting. 

Love you guys. 

Elder J. Thacker 
Colorado Fort Collins Mission