Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Week 11: Parachutes


I hope everybody had a fantastic week. 

We've had a crazy week for sure. We've been fortunate enough to have a good amount of lessons which is always nice. We've been able to find a good balance in all aspects of our work. We're doing well and trying to always stay positive. 

One super cool thing that happened this week. We had to give a sister in our ward a blessing and we looked for another male to come with us for like 1t minutes with no luck. So we pulled up to her house and were about to give up on it when we saw this random guy that lives right across the street from her. SO we just asked him if he'd come with us and he did. We talked to him after about what had happened and ended up giving him a Book of Mormon and have an appointment with him soon. 

Me and Elder Jenson are doing well and definitely improving. We're excited about how much work is going on in this area. We got to spend the day in a tripan with Elder Miceli the other day so that was a ton of fun. Plus it rained harder than I've ever seen in my life. We got totally soaked it was awesome. We've got a really busy week coming up so we're looking forward to that for sure. 

Well if you actually read these emails I love you guys. 


Elder J. Thacker
Colorado Fort Collins Mission

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Week 10: Trilby Road All Day

Holy cow what a long week. 

Elder Jenson and I have been doing well. We've been trying to get each other figured out and we're starting to really click. We've gone back and forth between our apartment and the temple about 8 times in the past week because we keep having to give rides to the elders on bike. But it's all good, we're just out here trying to minister and what not. 

We had a mission tour with Elder Wilford Andersen of the Seventy yesterday which was awesome. He talked to us a lot about Christ and how we can strengthen our faith in him, and also how we can strengthen the faith of others. He talked to us about how crucial it is that we serve others and allow God's will to be done in us always. 

We gave a chapel tour to one of our investigators the other day and were able to testify of the importance of baptism and enduring to the end. The spirit was incredibly strong. We've definitely been all over the place so there isn't really a ton to write about. Next week should be more interesting. 

Love you guys. 
Elder J. Thacker
Colorado Fort Collins Mission

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Week 9: Tripan Miracles Pt. 2

Mother's Day phone call
Hey you guys

Basically we had a super long week but we were able to find lots of success. Elder Littlewood got put with us cause his companion finished his mission so that has been a whole lot of fun. We were able to witness a lot of great things. 

We had a baptism last Friday and that was absolutely amazing. We've been working with him since I first got here and it was super cool to see him get baptized. 

Elder Treanor is unfortunately on to bigger and better things heading up to Casper, WY. I'll miss him greatly he has been the best companion I could've possibly asked for. My new companion will be Elder Jenson coming down from Fort Collins. He's supposed to be pretty legit so we'll see. I'm pretty excited for it. 

Anyway I don't have a lot of time so I'll talk to you guys next week. 

Elder J. Thacker
Colorado Fort Collins Mission