Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Week 2: Black Ferrari


The District
Self Explanatory
Helping out in Primary
This week went by super quick, it's weird. We had another really busy week with a lot of success. 

We're teaching about 11 progressing investigators at the moment and have about 7 potential. We've got some incredible members in the ward that have been letting us use their homes to teach people in and that has made an amazing impact in the progress. We also did quite a bit of service.

The weather is like Utah, like it can be 70 in the afternoon then it starts snowing - it's nuts actually. Our car got a flat tire too which is really annoying but we got it fixed. 

Elder Reiswig, one of the Assistants that picked me up from the airport went home this week which was really sad. He was super nice to me and he taught me a lot about being a missionary. 

We went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders yesterday and we tracted for like 4 hours and that helped me be able to gain a lot of confidence and experience with approaching people and how to start conversation. 

We had a baptismal interview this morning for the lady we're baptizing on Saturday and it went super well. She's absolutely solid and loves learning about the gospel and all the blessings that come with being a member of the church. 

Anyway I hope you all have a great week. 

Love you guys  
Elder Jacob R. Thacker

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Week 1: Triple Threat

President and Sister McMurray
April Arriving Group
The Trio
What a week. Long, hard, spiritual, and rewarding.

This week went by super quick. We're super busy and most of our days usually consist of lessons and finding new people to teach.  We taught a lot of progressing investigators throughout the week, we are super close with a lot of them, they just have some personal struggles to deal with but I know that the spirit will be able to reach their hearts. 

It's so awesome to be able to go out and testify of truth everyday and I feel so blessed to have this opportunity. We had a baptism on Saturday of a lady who has been investigating the church for about 40 years now and she finally got baptized. She has a super cool story and the spirit was so strong at the service. We also got to meet with the lady we put on date for baptism last week to give her the lessons required before the interview. She is such an incredible person and she has a very strong testimony. 

Honestly most of this week has been a blur but it's been enjoyable. We went to the temple this morning and that was one of the biggest highlights of this all so far. It brings such peace and comfort to me to go there. 

Me and my companions are getting along super well and we're figuring out how to teach all together and it's fantastic. We've been able to really become effective. I'm looking forward to the upcoming week cause we're pretty packed. 

Love you guys
Elder Jacob R. Thacker

1. Me and my dude Elder Flinders from back home what a guy.
2.Us and the AP'S outside the temple.
 3. After Diana's baptism 
4. With the main man Ed

 **This is an email sent to Jim and Jessica from President McMurray**

Hello, Brother and Sister Thacker!  

I hope that you are well!  I thought that you might enjoy the letter which one of your son's companions wrote to me this week.  It touched my heart.  I share this with Elder Treanor's permission...

This week has been incredible. We were able to commit a woman named RJ to baptism last night. It was an incredible experience to have Elder Thacker there. He bore amazing testimony of the Book of Mormon and that is ultimately what did it for her. We saw during that lesson her come to the knowledge that the Book of Mormon is true. Elder Thacker is supposed to be here and we are already seeing miracles because of his service. I cannot wait for these next three weeks to spend with him and help train him. He is supposed to be here, there is know doubt in my mind. Thank you President for knowing and placing Elder Bennett, Elder Thacker, and me in this area. Last night was a special night and it has changed me forever. Thank you President.
Elder Treanor

I am confident that God needed Elder Thacker to serve in the Colorado Fort Collins Mission at this time.  We are grateful that he has been assigned to labor here!

 President Sean S. McMurray
Colorado Fort Collins Mission