Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Week 47: #TaymoForAP

How we doin

This week was great, we had our big trip down to Colorado again this weekend so that was a blast. It was good to see a lot of the missionaries I've gotten close with. President McMurray gave a great training on the temple and the role it can play in our lives so that was awesome. I had a really fun exchange with Elder Christensen as well. I always love being around that guy, he's great. 

Elder Gillette and I have been working a lot on how we can better expound on the scriptures while we're reading with people. This has been super helpful for my own understanding as well. Also, I finally was able to gain a testimony of the power of fasting. We went to the temple on Friday morning, and President asked that we fast in preparation for that. I have never had a more enriching experience at the temple. There was so many questions I was able to have answered, and many miracles followed with the missionaries in the zone. It was an incredible blessing. 

I really love being a missionary, and I'm grateful for the opportunity I have. The theme for the upcoming zone conference is repentance and sacrifice. It's been very helpful to look at ways I can improve and I know I'll be able to grow from it. 

Hope you have a great week!

Elder J. Thacker 
THE Colorado Fort Collins Mission