Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Week 37: Elder Bogle's Faith=Miracles

Hi how are ya
Hi how are ya like 8 months ago (less fat)

Dear valued customers,

We had a great week. We had a super sweet experience at church on Sunday. There's a 17 year old girl who has been coming to church for years by herself. Her parents aren't a huge fan of her getting baptized but she taught Sunday school this week and bore a super strong testimony, so we felt prompted to talk to her after class. We pulled her aside and asked her if she wanted to take the lessons and get baptized and she said yes, but that her parents didn't want her to. So we told her to ask them and she was kinda hesitant. We saw her after church was over and she felt impressed to talk to them that day about it, then she texted us like 45 minutes later and said it's ok if we teach her. SO IT'S LIT. 

In other news: literally nothing. 

Have a good week

 K Love you bye 

Love, The Management 
THE Colorado Fort Collins Mission

Week 36: Rainbow Fannypack

Hi how are ya

They opened a Dutch bros in Greeley so that's good news.

We had Zone Conference this past week in Windsor and that was super motivating. Like I've said before, it's always great to hear from President and Sister McMurray. We talked a lot about Hope and Charity. It was a great experience. I also got to see ELDER EPPERSON which was NUTS because it's been forever. Great man. Truly. 

Anyway I have a lot to do so I will talk to you next week love you bye 

Elder J. Thacker
THE Colorado Fort Collins Mission

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Week 35: Alma 8:9

Hi how are ya 

This week was fantastic, elder Bogle and I just went eyes up and did work all week. Did a ton of tracting which is the bees knees of course, and were able to see some good success for the most part. Except for Sunday afternoon when we basically went through the city of Ammonihah (see subject line). Literally EVERY door we knocked was someone either wanting to bash with us, yell profanity at us, or just tell us we're going to Hell. It was legit. We had a great time. 

We're teaching an older gentleman named Ron who is loving the Book of Mormon. He's doing really great. 

We have Zone Conference tomorrow which should be awesome, I always look forward to learning and continuing to grow. It's always great to hear from President and Sister McMurray. Should be a good time. 

It's gotten super cold here and Elder Bogle is from Arizona so he's like dying it's hilarious. Everyone gives him a hard time. 

BUT yeah all in all, super good week. Looking forward to the next one!

Elder J. Thacker
THE Colorado Fort Collins Mission
