Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Weeks 23 & 24: #TheCove Biweekly

The RIVERTON DISTRICT at Martin's Cove

 I apologize for my absence last week. I was very busy.

The past two weeks have been so great. President Lorimer took us to Martin's Cove and the Willie Rescue site for pday which was so awesome. He was the stake president during the second rescue (if you don't know what that is, look it up), so that was just the cat's pajamas being able to hear all of those stories he has. He told us all about the inspiration that went into the whole thing and it was definitely a big testimony builder.
Elder Hunstman and me
We have been teaching a lot this week cause we've devoted so much time to finding over the past little while which has been awesome. Elder Garcia and I went on another exchange yesterday and of course that was a great time as usual, that man has probably 90% of the Book of Mormon memorized.
4 Generations of GREATNESS
  Elder Huntsman, Elder Halladay, and myself
We also had Zone Conference in Casper on Friday and I got to see MY BOY ELDER TREANOR what a guy. I love that man. We received a lot of really great training on diligence and how the Lord will always reward us when we are diligent.

We had a great dinner on Sunday with the branch president in Pavillion and a lady we are teaching and her husband. That was awesome, we taught the plan of salvation, so that was a great experience.

I hope you're all doing well. Thank you for everything you guys do for me. I love hearing from you!

Elder J. Thacker
Colorado Fort Collins Mission

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Week 22: Turtleneck

Hey guys,

My new companion is Elder Huntsman.  He's from Alamo, NV. He's a great guy, works very hard and has a very strong desire and drive. We get along very well and we just click in lessons it's so awesome. 

We've been doing a lot of work out in the Pavilion Branch lately and we've been able to see a lot of success. There are so many people out there who are just so prepared and humble. We're teaching a new person named Michael who loves everything about the church and is just so happy all the time. We're going over to his house on Thursday for pizza and to read the Book of Mormon. Should be a good time.

We're heading to Cheyenne for a meeting tonight and we get to stay the night in Casper with (THE LEGEND) Elder Treanor. So of course, as you could imagine, I'm very excited for that because I love that man. 

I'm so grateful that I'm able to go out and serve the Lord all day everyday and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Elder J. Thacker
Colorado Fort Collins Mission

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Week 21: American Mary


2. Bye Elder Powers

Elder Garcia and myself
Well brothers and sisters,

Elder Powers is packing, he's off to Longmont, Colorado and I'll be getting a new companion tomorrow. I don't know anything about him so I'm pretty excited. 

This week has been great.  We had Elder Campbell's last district council and then he hopped on that big transfer van in the sky, so that was pretty sad. And because of that, we've been with Elder Garcia for the past week so that's been fun. 

We've been able to do lots of walking cause the weather has been nice so we are super grateful for that. But in all honesty, it was a pretty normal week, we're working with a few people who are progressing well, and we've been able to find some new people as well. 

I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve a mission and I would invite all of you to do the same.

Love you guys!

Elder J. Thacker
Colorado Fort Collins Mission