Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Week 46: w1fe po1nts

Sporting the Hump Day jacket Mom & Dad sent

What a week

We were finally able to see a breakthrough in the new people department. That was definitely nice. We started teaching a family that has a lot of potential so we're hoping for the best. 

It snowed a bunch this week so that was nice cause there was less wind, it's weird how that works. 

We got a nice surprise email yesterday that we are getting a new apartment and we have to find it and we have 3 weeks so that's nice. Hopefully we can find somewhere to live so we don't have to shack up with other missionaries. Definitely a stressful situation. 

Anyway we're pretty excited that we're starting to see some cool things happening. It really overall has been a great week. I've kinda covered the big stuff that happened but yeah I'm doing good. 

Hope you have a great week. 

Elder J. Thacker
THE Colorado Fort Collins Mission

Week 45: Jordan 96' 97'

Well we got the transfer info

Looks like Elder Gillette and I are goin back2back. Another 6 weeks in Casper is what it's looking like. Big things are coming despite the fact that we had about 20 lessons fall through this week so that was AWESOME. But on the bright side, we were able to find a couple more people that we might be able to teach. 

We got to go out to Douglas for a district council earlier this week so that was a ton of fun. There's some great guys out there. My GUY elder EPPERSON is actually headed up to Douglas so it'll be fun to be able to see him and maybe go on an exchange or something. He's a stud and he's going to do great out there no doubt. 

There's honestly not a ton to report on this week. We're hoping to have a good amount of people to teach but WE WILL SEE. Also elder Cerezo finished his mission so that was very sad to see him go. But he's on to greener pastures I guess. The circle of life. 

Tune in next week for another mediocre email. 

Elder J. Thacker
THE Colorado Fort Collins Mission

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Week 44: No Brakes

I don't have any pics of myself so enjoy this

Hey how are ya. 

Things have been crazy this week. We went on a bunch of exchanges. I didn't see a bunch of success on mine, but elder Gillette did a ton of good stuff, so things are going to start picking up hopefully. The wind has sorta died down the past few days so that's been nice. We've been working with a lot of recent converts recently so that's been fun.

It's crazy to think how fast this transfer has gone. It ends next week and I feel like I just got to Casper. It's super weird but that's how it goes I guess. Me and elder Gillette are hoping to stay together for another one but we will see how it goes. 

Still working on finding people to teach so hopefully I'll be able to report a little more on that next week. 

I'd love to hear from you guys!

Elder J. Thacker
THE Colorado Fort Collins Mission